
“Go on; don’t only practice your art, but force your way into its secrets; art and knowledge can raise man to the divine.” -Beethoven, letter to a young friend

Welcome to Dance Arts Support! This opening blog is just a simple statement from the both of us to say “Welcome!”. We truly appreciate you checking in and taking the time to read this.

For us, this website marks the opening of a new path in what has been, for us both, a lifelong journey and exploration into the world of ballet. Our journeys, separately and together, have taken us through many aspects of ballet, sometimes even away from ballet, but always towards this moment. 

This moment where the two of us open a space of our own. A space where we can share our thoughts, our experiences, our passions with whomever may be interested. You.

We hope to connect with people who share our interest and curiosity of going deeply in the essence of dance.

In this space we hope to share some ideas, thoughts, and stories that we find important to both the technical working of the body in ballet, and the surrounding and deeper essence of DanceArt and its relationship to other arts and the world.

During this past time of the world dealing with Covid, by having to use the online technology as work, as education, as a way of staying connected with each other we found that working online was also a surprisingly effective way to teach. It allowed us and our students to focus in a way that being in a studio did not. By working online we could take more time to approach the work quietly, to focus without distractions. To delve deeper and honestly into each individual’s work. Online work does not replace working in a studio but we feel it can still be a very useful and effective tool that should be still taken advantage of.

So, here we go, opening a new chapter with this website. We look forward to sharing here, to meeting and working with new people and ideas.

Thank you, Yuko and Joey